During a divorce, there are numerous details that need attention. This is an emotionally difficult time, and it is impossible for you to think of everything that needs your attention. An experienced attorney at S.B. Freeman Law Group, LLC is there to help you plan, educate you on options, present solutions inside and outside of “the box,” and be the voice of logic that you need to plan your path to the other side of divorce.
“What will happen to my house, our cars, my pension and our debt? How will we afford two households? Will I have to pay for everything?”
At the S. B. Freeman Law Group, we help clients resolve property division and income and expense sharing disputes using the best method of dispute resolution for their unique situation. We represent clients in Frederick, Howard, Montgomery and Prince George’s County. Contact our firm online or call 586-722-3616to schedule your appointment.
In property division cases, the court strives to fairly divide assets that were acquired during the marriage. Most property that was acquired during the marriage will be divided in a roughly equal (50/50) manner. However, often one or both parties have pre-marital assets and those assets need to be protected from a claim by the adverse party. Whether it’s an inheritance, gift, or proceeds from a former home sale, an experienced attorney at the S. B. Freeman Law Group is highly skilled, extremely knowledgeable in the law, and have the experience necessary to gather and present the right information to protect your non-marital assets.
Certain assets may need to be valued or appraised in order for the Court to determine the asset’s value. Items such as family business, cars or homes can be valued or sold in order for the asset’s value to be distributed. Wherever possible, our lawyers pursue solutions that will save our client’s money by avoiding costs such as unnecessary appraisals, sales commissions, sales taxes, and expert fees.
“How will I pay my bills after the divorce? When can I financially get on with my own life?”
Alimony or spousal support, can be awarded to one party to help them be self-supporting while they retrain or get further education. While the Courts generally favor rehabilitative alimony, in some cases a much longer term of alimony is warranted. An experienced attorney at our firm knows the law, the courts, and the individual Judge’s perspective on these issues. We work with our clients to help them determine if they are likely to receive support or pay support, and to determine how much and how long the support will be paid or received. A realistic perspective and strong advocacy help create resolutions to what may otherwise be a protracted fight over alimony.
Contact our firm online or call 240-406-4773 to work with an experienced attorney to help you understand Maryland law, your rights, and strategize about option to resolve your property division matter.
If you need any helps, please feel free to contact us. We will get back to you with 1 business day. Or if in hurry, just call us now.
Call : (1)240-406-4773
info@sbfreemanlawgroup Mon – Fri 09:00-17:00